Monday, May 19, 2008

Lines o' the Day 5/19/08

Matt Wieters tears cure cancer.

Good job:

1. Mike Napoli, Hogs, 3/4, 2hr, 5rbi, 2r. The best C in the state of California, AL only.

2. David, "Big Poppy", Ortiz, Hogs, 3/5, 2hr, 4rbi, 2r. All Hogs, all the time? How can they be in last?

Bad dog:

1. Bobby Abreu, Pirates, 0/4, k. Why? The rest of the 1st place Pirates hit .395 with 3hr, 8rbi, 15r and a sb.

2. Cliff Lee, Buckos, L, 5.7ip, 5er, 10h, bb, 2k. You suck Lee, you suck balls, I hate you. Man, that felt good.

Prospect watch:

Matt Wieters will destroy your team and lead me to the title one day. Stats thus far in High-A Carolina league:

.338, 11hr, 29rbi, 29r, .618slg, 1.037ops. Kneel.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Schedule for the Week

Pretenders coming this week.

Tuesday, Thursday, and then over the Holiday weekend.

Go Celts.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I'm Not Dead

In the past month I have done 3 jury trials ( a mistrial, a plea and a not guilty) and welcomed my second son Matthew into the world. Things have been a little busy and obviously, ABF suffers as a result. However, lest I alienate my 3 readers, I'm not giving up and jumping right back in.

I promise daily posts from this day on, or at least until the next jury. There will be no more children.

BTW, CC fills out his uniform nicely, no? He would look good on your CARP team.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Blow It Up!

What happened? The season for the Brewers looked so promising. CC, Percival & Matsui at the draft. Kinsler in a trade. Bounce back years from Hafner and Mauer. Young guns Shields, Kennedy and Loewen to solidify the rotation.

Nothing. 5 weeks in and the Brewers were sitting in 7th with 37pts. Could I have turned things around...maybe. But there are no guarentees that CC would return to CC 2007, that Hafner, Delmon and Mauer would remember how to hit HR. When the Wolfe came calling and dangled Sizemore and McGowen I had to pull the trigger.

I guess its as much of a relief as it is painful to watch another CARP season go down the tubes. No more dying with each days stats. Just relax and begin preparing for my FF draft in 3 months.

BTW, CC on the block.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Back from the Break

Wow. That was a bit longer of a break than I expected. I just wish I had more time to figure out everyone who has said they have banged Clemens in the last week. Maybe more on that later.

For now, just a quick line of the day and a promise, Pretenders start this week. (Any doubt that Debbie Clemens didn't do roids?)

The Good:

  1. Jack Cust, Pirates, 4/4, HR, rbi, 3r. Breaks out of 0-April slump.
  2. Alex Rios, Creepers, 3/5, HR, rbi, 2r, sb. Power and speed combo.
The Bad

  1. Ian Kennedy, Brewers, 4.7ip, 4er, 5h, 3bb, k. The sucking continues.